The eyes have it


Well, the eyes used to have it, anyway.  Now they have cataracts, instead.  And they are buggin’ me.  Can’t see a bloody thing which, given the havoc and chaos around me when I work, is a distinct disadvantage to continued survival.  So, I am getting them operated on.

And, so, thus this blog goodbye.

It’s been great.  Really.  Had a really good time.  And we must do this again sometime.  Maybe do lunch?  Give me a ring……….?  Better yet, I’ll call you. 

But not for awhile.  Seems I’ll be vision impaired for a while.  First one eye, then the next.  Healing takes awhile.  I should know.  Right?

So, no blog.  You understand?  OK?

I am thinking late March, early April?  Maybe Fool’s Day?

The doctor’s instructions came and it was very clearly printed out: No heavy lifting.  And No Blogging was specifically handwritten and inserted in to the instructions (mind you, the handwritten part looked suspiciously like Sally’s handwriting).  So I have to take a break.  Doctor’s orders.

I confess that I am not overly upset about it.  I feel a break is needed anyway.  I am wandering from the original focus of the blog which was: ‘old guy goes feral.  The adventures of a fool and his angel in the woods’.    I feel politics is starting to creep back into it.  If I can rationalize a political post as somewhat philosophical, I can yield to my inner political demon a bit but it’s a strain. It is time for a break and I am using the operation as my excuse.

I hope to be silent for at least a month.

Not bloody likely.

But I am gonna try.

No, I have not forgotten my outstanding items.  There are the docks-being-installed to report on.  There is the ‘little houseboat’ progress to watch.  There are the community machinations to observe and share whenever possible and, of course, there is our-life-in-paradise to monitor and record.  Not to mention the invitable accidents.  Plus Spring is not too far away and all sorts of things seem to transpire then.  So, there is stuff-to-come but I will understand if you wander off.  I would.

I currently enjoy a couple of dozen or so regular readers.  Maybe a smidge more.  Well, OK.  There are a smidge more than 500.  But they/you are a fickle lot.  They/you want ravens and killer whales and they/you don’t want politics.  And no one but Annette, Sid and a guy on a motorcycle writes! 

‘Who are you people?’  (Seems I also have a disproportionate number of antique dealers……..and wives whose husbands are similar in their grumpy, lumpy, dofus-ness to me!) 

Anyway, right now, I am raven-ed out.  And the Orcas aren’t due for weeks if not months.  And we are only a few months from a provincial election.  Can you feel the tension?

It’s hurtin’ my eyes.

So, like………………….see ya’……………(personal e-mails always welcome, of course.  I have installed the latest version of Windows Braille Mail so I will still be able to respond to e-mails altho my flat screen poses a bit of a problem for getting a feel for Braille.  Anyway, I’ll try.)








15 thoughts on “The eyes have it

  1. So its a case of bloggist interruptus. You will find the surgery eye opening and it’ll be nice to see without glasses. Kudos to you for getting the surgery done in Canada and not in some back alley somewhere for about $100. I know several people who were pleased to have had cataracts surgery with great results. You might get a surgeon who cracks jokes so be prepared. As for the bloggie woggie you will be missed: the rants. the realpolitik, the animals, the churning blood filled waters, life’s minutiae and boating at night by candle light. And if you do do screen time may I recommend the on-line Urban dictionary: see ‘Dave.’ (first definition)


  2. Thanks. Very kind of you to refer to the Urban Dictionary and I have to admit, I am cool. At least the coolest in my group after Sal. I also have to admit that such a standing is NOT hard to achieve when one is a semi-hermit. I have no group. Ergo……..
    I think that makes me the most handsome, too. So you can see where I am going with this……….


  3. oh come on; I know folks who had cataract surgery on Friday and were back to work on Monday. okay. jeesh. make me say the truth. were back to work on Monday two weeks later. So. Get on with it. See you in a couple of weeks. I don’t think you can be mute much longer than that. hoping not, anyway.


  4. Dave, my sister (the one in England) had cataract “surgery” on Wednesday. 20 minutes, and hour resting so the ophthalmologist was assured everything was all right, and outta there. Thursday morning, she held her hand over the remaining bad eye and was delighted to see vibrant colours. Switching, everything was brown or grey. The other eye will be in a few weeks. She is already back to work, although a steady diet of computer and TV is not recommended, but she can use it.

    A recent discussion on doctor’s fees mentioned the fact that cataract surgery really was surgery, taking 3-4 hours. The argument now is that with laser techniques it is much faster, and presumably safer, so the fees ought to be lower. However, the equipment is much more expensive, and of course lengthy training to use, so perhaps a wash.

    Who reads your blog and for what reason? Well, as much as we enjoy reading about the killer whales, we see them every year, you know from many past discussion that I always take an interest in your views and opinions, regardless of whether or not I agree. I haven’t met Sid, Annette or the motorcycle guy; however I have responded, and sent separate emails, but only when I felt the occasion warranted. In other words, not responding to each and every blog.

    Best to you both,

    (Oh, and notice that very few of us — hi, Nance — don’t hide behind “Anonymous”)


    • Well, I confess to having left you off the list just to MAKE you respond! 🙂 Same with our other favourite John. But he hasn’t taken the bait. As for for being a weak sister, I make no apologies. Eyes and gonads. Very sensitive areas. Top priority for me. I intend to be a model patient in one – never a patient with the other.


  5. You should of told use that you you were seeing things in ‘fifty shades of grey’ thus explaining you concern over your naughty bits.


    • I close one eye and cock my head to one side to read the blog comments. Finally, I took that as an indication to go to the opthamologist. Verdict: surgery. I am hoping that helps with falling off decks. We’ll see.


  6. Hey Dave; follow the guidelines for recovery and keep notes as post ideas come to you (pen/paper). My dad writes titles for future posts as he thinks them up in his little pocket notebook. Email works just fine, medical updates, copy to your ‘group’, maybe Sally can do the writing until your eye/s are ready again. NO falling through holes in the deck or sliding down a slippery slope. I for one want to hear the entire saga when you return to writing.


    • Key word: saga. Never-ending, wilderness soap opera of a clumsy, old guy and his wife. Never-ending, that is, until the fat lady sings. Thanks for the kind words, tho. Much appreciated.


  7. Can not have you with 13 responses so I’ll add one wee bit of politics from Burns:

    To a Mouse.
    I’m truly sorry man’s dominion,
    Has broken nature’s social union,
    An’ justifies that ill opinion,
    What makes thee startle
    At me, thy poor, earth-born companion,
    An’ fellow-mortal!


    • It’s funny how your popularity seems to have increased with your pending temporary demise.
      If I knew the other 14 respondants I’d start a wager that you will not last more than a week (I, we hope) without writing.
      My Mom had both her eyes done recently. Now she wonders how she got so old all of a sudden. She is 92. So be careful what you are about to do. You may not like what you see.
      Good luck. The ravens can wait.


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