March 17

You’d think an invitation had been sent!

We have wildlife all winter but, for the most part, things are pretty quiet around here before Daylight Savings/Spring Break/Easter time.  Things go south, some things hibernate…whatever….I don’t really know.  I just know that, on any given day in December/January/February there is scant evidence of life out here save for some little birds and the odd fellow passing-through who is usually all alone and looking it.

But March 17th was like a party!  A large school of dolphins, sea lions (2), eagles fishing and screeing, wolves howling at night, the ravens making a family of themselves again and, of course, gulls, seals and flocks of various small birds.  It was like a parade.

They were a bit early.  The first official day of Spring is March 20 but I am not quibbling. Early is better than late.  It was good to see.

Every year we become more attuned to the seasons but, to be fair, Spring is the hardest to nail down for me.  It seems every October, there is a single day that is different enough to notice the change in the weather, “There’s a nip of Fall in the air, today!”  The start of Winter and summer are difficult to nail down, too, but I don’t really care that much.  By the time Spring has played out, the weather is warm and by the time Fall is done, it is cold and dark.  I am basically a two-season kinda guy.  But I do wait for Spring.

And not only do I wait for it, it seems I get some kind of ‘new energy’ when it happens.  Sal and I have been rebuilding the back deck and stairs for the last few days and, amazed at ourselves, we’ll finished up within the four days we had planned.  “Geez, we figured four days and that usually means six or seven.  But we’ll finish tomorrow.  That’s great. Sunshine sure helps.”

“Well, you weren’t napping, either!.  That really helps!”



9 thoughts on “March 17

    • Trumps Trump?

      The video is kinda neat. All the dolphins flying around a friend’s boat. Our house is glimpsed in one of the clips.

      The video Randy did of us (accessed by clicking you-tube on main page) has been viewed 10,000 times! Wild!

      But, getting on the OTG line-up on you-tube shows some with 100’s of 000’s of views. Clearly the lifestyle resonates with many but, to be fair, there is very little consistency in the you-tubes. The message – whatever it is – is not clear. If there is a main message, it is that you can live like a hermit eating grubs. Why anyone would see that as desirable or sustainable is beyond me.


      • For many it is a huge conceptual leap to really get what you and Sal are achieving. The quality of life you two are experiencing exceeds that of most urban residents of the big smoke. Happiness is where one finds it and you two are happy, truly happy! How many can say the same?


        • I know that to be true – for us. For many, this may be hell. But I don’t think so. I think the majority would feel as we do. That is why I write encouragingly. Why not share it?
          Honestly? It is almost biblical……”I shall provide…” And, even tho it is a bit more complicated than just that, it is largely true nevertheless. We are being ‘provided for’ in so many ways. Here, we come from ‘bounty’ as they say, and when in town, we came from ‘scarcity’. I know it is kinda sappy but it feels more true than not.


  1. Having lived as you are now, at the time the advantages for me were not as evident as they now appear in retrospect. You are in a good place and many envy you. Mostly you are self-directed and each day unfolds according to your calculus.


    • Well, I wish that were so….every day is not exactly to my plan and desire but, to be fair, it is a helluva lot more than ever before. ‘Course, I do not have to cater, compromise or cow-tow to anyone either and THAT is huge. When you live in large groups, you have to ‘conform’ somewhat just for reasons social and, tho I am hardly a non-conformist in any real sense, I DO feel as if I am free of that constraint out here. I admit, too, that the advantages are NOT evident to anyone, really, until they actually live it. I had an idea, I guess. I kinda knew it would be different and that difference would include independence and freedom but, until you live it, those are just words. I am a 68 year old white male in western society…………..and I am happy. I am NOT angry (I was for a long time and it doesn’t take much for me to get back there – even today).
      So if, for no other reason than shedding perpetual road rage, this was a good move.


  2. Spectacular video! All we get around here are five pound Rainbow, and they don’t race the boat. What I want to know: when you stop the boat, do the dolphins stop too?


    • That was my friend’s boat but the answer is ‘sometimes’. Out in front of us, they might stop because it is a place they normally stop – there is ‘feed’ there. But, if we were just plying along some channel and they came up on us because we are slower than them (our boat is 17-18 knots, not 25 – 28), they might hang around for a bit and then kick it up a notch and zoom ahead.


  3. Wow!!!! It is wonderful Jorge was able to film it. I’m usually not that competent when the occasion arises. Makes me homesick. Freezing rain here tonight so definitely not Spring like. You are so fortunate to be where you are.


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