An observation…..(maybe a tangent)

Preamble: apologies. I have to at least ‘comment’ on a bit of the Capitol Building incident. I know that at least four of my seven readers prefer squirrel and raven stories or even Sally and me stories but some ‘news’ items need to be acknowledged. I will go back to being eclectic, varied, weird and personal later on but this is just another one of those times…….

Dumb Bubbas in camo and wearing red hats backwards storming the Capitol building is NOT really news. They’ve already ‘been there and done that‘ this year alone in Michigan and Oregon and other ‘Merican ‘sacred’ places like Albuquerque and Charlottesville. There are too many incidents of such mob-stupidity in the US to recall them all.

Timothy McVeigh got that sick hair-ball rolling at a modern pace back in 1995 in Oklahoma City. And silly militias all over the damned States do that kind of thing on smaller and more local scales all the time. Violence is kinda part of the ‘Merican culture. It is sick. It is ugly. And, in some ho-hum kinda way it is still news but it is no longer SHOCKING news. Not anymore. Any thinking person could have predicted January 6th especially when the Trumps publicly promoted that kind of thing all through Trump’s presidency. It was not so much news as it was the inevitable result of Trumpism. And it will not be the last.

As my readers know, I am no fan of Trump and I deplore the deplorables. And I have no idea how Guiliani has kept his license to malpractice law for so long. These Trumper-guys seem to suffer from some kind of common mutant strain of extreme self-humiliating idiocy and the disease is spreading like Covid. It is Darwinian in it’s self-harm but, odlly, I do not see it as revolutionary.

And that is the point. What we witnessed was the manifestation of a social illness, not a revolution. And so we have to be real when we talk about about the ‘insurrection’. It really wasn’t…..

There were thousands of people there and only a hundred or so ‘invaded’. The police were sensible and controlled in the beginning but also weak, ineffective and seemingly without any real leadership. Some were even sympathetic and ‘onside’ with the demonstrators (symptomatic of cultural dysfunction). Fact: there are 32 separate law enforcement agencies in DC. They didn’t plan. They didn’t coordinate. They didn’t communicate. They failed catastrophically. Stupid-in-uniform is also a uniquely American characteristic.

To my mind, the Capitol riot was more of an accident primed to happen than it was a revolution or even a manifestation of resistance to government.

It was something else… ‘illness’ of something else….mental/cultural health?

You see, to me, it showed up more like a Hollywood casting call! The thing that amazed me mostly were the number of ‘invaders’ filming and taking selfies! These were NOT revolutionaries, these were wannabe You-Tube and Facebook stars! They were there, not so much to burn and raze the capital, but rather to ‘be seen’ and ‘gain’ celebrity. What I witnessed mostly was the emergence of pathetic but aspiring reality TV stars. They are classic deplorables but most of those in the building were just self-absorbed and were playing the role for the cameras. The scene called for chaos and they mostly just acted the part.

I am not, however, defending them in the least. One cannot defend uber-stupid. Acting like a revolutionary requires behaviour like a real revolutionary. I am just noting the incredible number of camouflaged, tatted-up, jack-booted idiots going into so-called battle with phone cameras glued to their faces. The US is corrupt in so many ways and too many to list and detail in this post. But social media has created a new category of dysfunctional fool, the many who suffer from the ‘look-at-me-and-give-me-likes‘ syndrome. Mini narcissists in thrall to their Orange leader.

That was what was on display three days ago, not revolution.

This ‘spectacle’ was all actually quite fitting for these times and should be expected. Some giant-sized imbecile who cannot pass by a mirror or a camera without posing is the leader-of-choice for a whole bunch of Camo-wearing (another look-at-me sign), flag-waving, ‘branding-oriented’, celebrity wannabes. The Capitol building riot was more of a sound stage ‘audition’ for being the next-alt-celebrity than it was a platform for a true revolutionary.

Look at Jake Angeli (he of the Viking headdress) and ‘envelope stealer’, Richard Barnett. They are true idiot-patriots who didn’t seem like overturning the government was their prime objective at all. Not to me, anyway. Being ‘seen’ was their mission. Being photographed was their goal. Getting known was the real objective. Celebrity is what they wanted, not a new form of governance. They made no grand statements. They had no manifesto.

They had cameras.

Well, I could be wrong about all that. I am sure a few were serious insurrectionists (less than a dozen). There are, however, a lot of Americans who seem to prefer tyranny over democracy and cult over culture. They like guns and violence and ugly over beauty, peace and cooperation. They prefer celebrity over substance, wealth over health and stupid over intelligence. They are truly the dumb, deplorable Bubbas. Still, I could not help but see only a little, tiny bit of revolutionary fervor and a whole lot of narcissistic posturing and preening on the 6th of January, 2021.

And that will be sustained and nurtured by the similarly self-absorbed society as a whole. I am sure the ‘Mericans will turn the rhetoric up into a ‘historic day of infamy in our blah, blah, blah…’

Why? Because that makes for good TV (and You-Tube).

36 thoughts on “An observation…..(maybe a tangent)

  1. Bang on there Dave. There was no revolution, no sedition. There was just spoiled babies upset that their big baby lost and (hopefully) some normalcy will return so “We gotta mess sh*t up NOW! and our leader baby said to!” Tho there were those who went beyond, and some folks died, but I see it as you. Pathetic. That was America, at it’s greatest, of late?🤔
    PS just 7 readers?!!!? You are faaar to entertaining for just us Magnificent 7!😉😂🤣

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks. AND I may NOT be right. There are lot of people (both sides) making much more of it than I am and they may be right. Maybe there is a Civil War a’brewing but, but, but….no one with any organizational skills, brains, courage or resources would use that fiasco as the opening salvo. To me, that was just a stage for Jake to push his You-Tube channel.


  2. Hey, wadda bout me, your eighth and longest? reader? Well, I may not be the longest but then I’m also not the shortest. Six footish.
    That was a brilliant observation, and bang on. I don’t pretend to be a political soothsayer but if I could see this developing……..
    Just imagine the furor if/when ‘they’ throw him in the slammer! They better have a plan B at that time.


    • Oh, John… are special….in a cauliflower category of your own. Kinda ‘dirty-white and lumpy, ya know? Don’t worry about your status on the list – the ‘attempted starting’ of the vacuum cleaner video you sent awhile back ensures your place.


  3. 100% agreement
    The “selfie” storming of The Capital.
    What a joke.
    These idiots seemed bemused at their ability to actually get into the building…..
    walking through the various rooms taking videos, posing, selfies….hardly the 1960’s protests of their parents.
    And after they get out of prison…..BOOK DEALS! INTERVIEWS! FAME! FORTUNE!
    The American way……..
    As for the police and the innumerable agencies that STILL dont talk to each other….20 years after 9/11…. Disgraceful.


  4. Do not disagree with your observations one iota. Live streaming, selfies and media reporters collecting raw video. CNN posted this, “US Capital secured, 4 dead after rioters stormed halls of Congress to block Biden’s win.” Senator’s were cowering on the floor. Rioters were smashing through the barricaded doors behind the Speaker’s desk in the Senate. Behind this barricade were the secret service with drawn pistols while a 35 year old women climbed into the broken window and was shot in the neck and later died. Her bleeding body was recorded on camera. Elsewhere policemen in riot gear wearing gas masks were being crushed into locked doors. One officer was screaming as he was being crushed into a door frame by a mob pushing into him chanting heave, heave. These rioters were committing criminal trespass in a restricted federal building subject to a five hundred dollar fine and six months in jail. They were also assaulting policemen trying to protect the Congress Building. Many of the rioters looked like they did not appreciate the nature of and consequences what they were doing as they were caught up in the emotion of the riot. They were a mob. As far as many of these Trump supporters might be thinking, hypothetically, these protests are not over. The US military was on red alert as reported in some media sources. The slow burn may continue.


  5. I like it…the magnificent seven…glad to be part of it, but I agree there must be more of us…maybe the hateful eight?
    I agree wiyh you David, these was no revolution, but Trump should be impeached as per direct….you can not justify that an president promotes hate, violence and riots. Trump,Giuliani and some of his other “staff” were calling for riots and assaults, resulting in 4 dead people, they should be put on trial for murder! Even with only 12 days left, he could still cause a lot of havoc, and I sure hope they keep the “football” away from him in these last 12 days


    • I agree. A ‘fake’ or ‘hoax’ insurrection still caused damage and death. And it was a fake president who incited it. I guess my point is that both the president and his cretinous minions are really only playing for the cameras. For them, this is all a reality show with the emphasis on the word ‘show’.


      • For the record, I have about 100 to 125 fairly regular readers. The number changes with the topic. Boobs, booze and guns in the title can ‘pop’ up the readership to as much as double that and most political rants drop below that. WordPress stats report. Most, of course, are North American with maybe half a dozen from different continents. I say ‘seven’ readers (truly the magnificent ones) because there are a special few who comment on virtually every post (even/especially boobs) and another smaller group who are almost as frequent who comment on at least every third or fourth. Since I write this gibberish for myself, that should be enough for a healthy individual but it seems ‘myself’ needs feedback to be fully satisfied with the effort. I do not need agreement but, sadly and pathetically, I do need the attention. If I write and there are few or NO comments, the day (me) becomes harder on Sally. Poor Sal. Her load is heavy and her work is never done.


  6. Further to your observations The New York Times writes that Senator Mitt Romney said, “Trump incited an insurrection at the Capital.” A media team from ITV news located in the UK, was at the Capital and shot video at various locations of criminal actions. The ITV programming shot at Capital is being shown on various North American TV networks and the truly momentous nature of these criminal events is on display. Some folks are predicting further acts of violence and civil unrest lie ahead during Biden’s Presidency.


    • Yeah…it is a tough call. Was that a REAL insurrection, a REAL revolution, was that a REAL coup attempt? I am sure many dumb Bubbas who were there were thinking they were doing something real at the time of their march but, to my mind, they hadn’t done any REAL thinking in decades and they were just caught up in the mob mania of the moment. Was there a leader? Was there an objective? Were there tactics? What was the plan? I just saw chaos and mindless acts with an emphasis on ‘selfies’. It seemed to as if the Donald simply invoked, invited and incited a spontaneous demonstration that a few hours prior had not been anticipated or at least organized in any meaningful or strategic way by anyone in the crowd…………..unless Donald and Rudy and Eric thought it WAS strategic to throw some deplorables under the bus, set them up to fail and sacrifice a few followers for the audience of deplorables staying at home.
      Like I said, I could be wrong. It has happened before. But this did NOT LOOK like an ‘ART OF WAR’ action to me. It looked like much more like a hockey riot.


      • Arnold Schwarzenegger produced a You-tube speech that (until the last 30 seconds) was pretty damn good. He made his point and did so sincerely and I think honestly. The last 30 seconds started to sound like a person positioning to run for president but I am a cynic. Still, he is a Republican and he will want to see his party rebuild….so, we’ll see.


      • Yes, it did look like a hockey riot at the time. What’s the expression, “it’s all fun until someone gets hurt” or something like that. What happened at the Capital took a turn that many did not expect. Four people died! So far over 100 persons have been arrested and many will face charges. Will it go into history as an incitement to foment a revolution probably not. But members of Congress are set to investigate and hold hearings which may result in serious charges…perhaps treason? The Republicans as the “law and order party” have some fences to mend because this attack upon Congress likely has hurt the Republican Party.


    • That was the plan…before Covid…..maybe in Central America or South America? But Covid stopped that and it may have even stopped the possibility. Still John is an inveterate traveler and was willing to go look for coconuts with us on some winter snow-bird thing. So far, John’s best quality is that he laughs at my jokes and lusts after his cleaning ladies. Addicted to a cauliflower high, he has been known to chase them naked in the snow around his house! Indeed, he is your kinda guy!


  7. Timothy Snyder (author of ON TYRANNY) writes in the NY Times something similar. He covers much more ground but describes the invasion of the Capitol building as ineffective, the ‘stormers’ were not the right people for the job and all that. See:


  8. Yes, a narrative is still being written but it will not a narrative that everyone subscribes too. Early days I heard a Republican spokes person said, “It was not so bad!” Today it was reported that 6500 police state and local police plus the national guards from several states are headed to Capital in DC. in anticipation of an escalation of violence. Is the deployment of a force of 6500 an over reaction or does it speak to the fear that the attack upon the institutions of the USA will engender more attacks on Democracy? The jury is out.


    • Well, I see it as completely stupid ‘show of force’ (back to the theme of Showtime!) and, ironically, closing the barn doors after the fact. NOT having adequate security was an appalling embarrassment for the nation and having TOO much security is almost as bad. This is one of those times where someone makes a mistake and a movement is formed, not-for-profits spring up, activist leaders march on city hall and eventually flaccid laws are written. It shows how ineffective we are at most things. They only had ONE job! And they failed. End of story.


      • I should – at this time – walk it backwards….a bit…kinda….which is hard to do because I believe everything I said. But, but, but…the inference in my blog and later comments is also that I am anti-American and a closet revolutionary myself. NOT SO. I am a huge admirer of the US Constitution. I am a huge admirer of much of what the US claims to value and hold dear. Hell, my values are Disney values! In fact, if they were true to their own stated values, I would never say a word. The trouble is they (the government) are NOT true to their ideals. They sell out for money, puffed-up patriotism and celebrity. They bully, lie and cheat. And they keep their people dumb. They desecrate almost everything they touch and then cover it in goldleaf for ‘show’. Power corrupts and they are the most powerful nation still. None of the above is true for most ‘Mericans. The vast majority are great people and simply want to live normal lives. They really just have to get good people doing good things again. And fix their education system. Maybe clean up the environment, fix their politics, re-educate the police, stop worshipping money and celebrity…well, you get my drift.


  9. I think you are correct to issue denials since the act of listing facts can be taken personally by some with alternate truths. Anyone who disagrees with them must hate America. A non sequitur!


    • Well, to be fair, I am vitriolic at times. If a ‘Merican mistook my meaning to include ALL citizens, I can’t blame them. I think I needed to draw the line between hating the sin but not (all) the sinners. I do not even really hate the Bubbas. They have been lied to. By their ‘leader’, no less. They believe. They have had those lies bolstered by FOX and OAN – who they also believe. And Q-Anon….
      Those poor jerks have been sown into a garden, covered with BS and watered and tended by lying bastards. They truly are the victims in all this. Think about this: you could have a nice life, a pretty girlfriend, a shiny gun and save up for a Corvette…or….you can get ‘conned’ into thinking you are a Christian Soldier fighting the good fight and go to jail for crimes against the country you think you LOVE. These dorks took door number two! They drank the Kool-Aid. They have wasted their time, their opportunities, relationships, good work and satisfying results for an Orange Toad. They are victims writ large.


  10. Some are misinformed and others feign ignorance. For some Trump was sent by God to guide America out of sin into Godliness. It is an aspirational goal to “Make America great again” held as an article of faith by some. Charlie Brown waited in the pumpkin patch for the arrival of the Great Pumpkin or the Great orange comb over. Deeply held religious beliefs. Americans in general need more hope and relief in their lives. Not all but many need it if the drive through food banks are an indication. More Americans are gambling and alcohol consumption is up. No wonder some cleave to Trump!


  11. Forty thousand tips on Capital rioters received by FBI. Social media reports next attack upon the Capital being organized. Likely date predicted is during the inauguration. Rioters were chanting, “Hang Mike Pence.” It is still smouldering. More film released suggesting that there over 8000 rioters.


    • So the Sh*t Show continues!???!
      It is even worse than the previous work of the reality tv clown running the place.
      Oh My how far the Once Great US of A has fallen. Very sad in deed…


      • Well, it is not like me to be calm and cool. I tend towards the Chicken Little School of political prognostication as a rule. But, my excuse for that is that living in BC the sky is ALWAYS falling! However, I am also inclined to believe that much of the media is, if not fake, it is sensationalist. Mountains made of molehills. The MSM is inclined to hysteria and outrage. Social media is all over the map – most of it totally whacked.
        So, what do I think? I think there were 8000 people ‘at the event’. But there were NOT 8000 rioters. I am sticking with my earlier estimate of a few hundred and most of those were poseurs. I do not know if that silliness catalyzed a ‘plan’ and there is now an ‘organization’ but I doubt it. If I am wrong, it will not be 8000 Maga-nuts dying on Bunker Hill. But it may be a few hundred. A lot of those nuts have a death wish. See Kyle Rittenhouse.
        The problem with my view is that I, too, am ignorant of all that I see and talk about. I was not there. Leo Kelly did an interview (he of the Christian ‘sweeties’ who just ‘found themselves there – almost by accident – caught up in the crowd’.) Leo is clearly white-washing the event and painting innocence on himself but his claims of NOT intending mayhem and walking where told to by the police after they opened the doors for him, rings almost plausible. Yet, Leo is portrayed as a seditionist and a bad guy. I see him as just another doofus acting stupid with his stupid friends. Put another way: the blame (much if not all) rests with Trump, Guiliani and all the Republican enablers (including the spineless police). We’ll see.


  12. Key information is slowly being released. The death toll of DC police officers is now two. The death toll arising out of the incident at the Capital stands at seven. Most people will understand that all the persons at the Capital incident had not formed the ‘intent to riot.’ But what these folks who were carried along with crush of people in the Capital, is that even these lookie loos, the bystanders, can face charges of being rioters. Once charged the non-rioting bystanders who trespassed into the Capital following crowd will have a difficult time proving their innocence. ‘’I was just watching these events unfold” they might claim. But if they argue that they were shooting video to sell to media or as part of a media assignment then they might have a reporter’s immunity. Logically all the 8000 at the incident could not all be rioters because some were reporters.


  13. Yeah. Agreed. But my point is that not all of the crowd were insurrectionists. In fact, my point is that there were NO organized, intentional, overthrow-the-government-rebels except, perhaps, the several hundred angry, MAGA-nuts that dream of making history on YOU-TUBE. That, to me, was such a pathetic attempt at rebellion that not even the idiot/deplorables are guilty of that charge. God knows they are guilty of so much but…..well…insurrection? I think ‘stupid’ is the most fitting with a few exceptions that may have wanted and acted for more. .


  14. I agree that Mitt Romney’s use of the term insurrection is getting pushback. Romney’s assertion has yet to be tested in court but given the amount of video that was shot this media will be used to provide evidence for a conviction, the FBI has obtained information from the site “Parler” where a great deal of unfiltered communication was exchanged. Parler has been shut down because none of the big social media sites will host it. Social media will be getting greater scrutiny in the USA, than it had received in the past. Human elimination was literally smeared on the wall of the Capital building and now figuratively it is hitting the fan.


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