
Fiddich died last night.  He was only eight.  At 3:30 pm he was fine and playing afternoon fetch.  At 4:30, he was not. The vet (we phoned) thought mushroom poisoning.  We really do not know.FIDFid tended to eat anything at least once.  Some things awful he tried a few times.  Old prawn bait always found its way in and out of him.  We expected he’d throw up whatever this was and carry on.  He didn’t.  He fell asleep at 9:00-ish and Sal checked him again at 3:00 in the morning.  He died sometime between then and dawn.  In his sleep.

fid 3Fid was the best dog I ever knew.  He will be missed.

fid 2Many readers met Fid and would remember him.  Especially the Chinese kids from Hong Kong.  To them he was a ‘wild animal’ they came to know and love in a very short time. He was about 75 pounds (big for a Portuguese Water Dog) and ‘ginger’ in colour. Tons of energy.   He was pretty much loved by all except big men wearing hats…they tended to get a cooler reception and maybe a little nip in the pants just to establish the pecking order – no blood drawn but more than a few guys leaped high in the air around him.

Fid 4The most remarkable thing about Fid, tho, was his overall good manners.  He was obedient and did what was expected of him.  Always.  Best dog ever.  Absolutely NO complaints from me. None.

Well, I do wish he had stayed with us a bit longer………………

12 thoughts on “Loss

  1. Sorry to hear about Fiddich. Our thoughts are with you and Sally. I enjoyed meeting Fiddich over plates of curry and great conversation. He will be missed!


    • Thanks Anonymous…..(so many curry dinners with great conversation but I have narrowed it down to a few dozen….). Sad day. Wish it was a better blog than it was.


  2. It is always sad when a family pet member dies.

    I’ve not yet got over my last cat who died years ago. Now there was a cat. My cat Simon was like another child. I still miss him. I did not get another cat.

    There was only one orange tabby and everyone in our neighbourhood in Edmonton knew Simon. They knew him because he would travel about the neighbourhood being petted and fed. He had a really waif-like look he practised on our susceptible neighbour down the street. She would feed him along with her own cats. She also still feels his loss.

    Hope you will remember the good times with your dog. I tend to agree with Fiddich that men in hats are to be treated warily. I have good memories of Simon. Lovely cat.


  3. oh no! What a truly sad day. I was shocked and saddened to see this post. Over the last two years we’ve lost all our creatures – one dog, two cats, all of them amputees and world travelers having gone to Australian and back with us. We are finally ready to look for a new dog after two years. It’s so hard when they go and for you, Fid going so far before his time, these must be tough days. Are thoughts are with you.


    • Thanks, MH. Tough day. Great dog. The world’s best in my opinion. Sal’s, too. He deserved more. All I can say is that his time with us was good. He loved it out here. He knew an hour (thirty miles) before we were here that he was ‘home’. We buried him at sea, like the water dog he was.


  4. Bummer. Too soon.
    Ive had pets go suddenly in their prime( predators, cars) and pets die of old age (off to the vet for the “shot”). I dont know which is worse. a healthy animal gone or one slowly aging and you have to make the “decision”. Either way its tough.
    One day at a time.


  5. My condolences David. It seems to be happening more often lately. A consequence of aging?
    At least you’ve still got Sal. Look after her, which I’m sure you will!
    Best wishes,


  6. I’m so sorry to hear this news David! It’s so unfair and sad and just plain wrong. I hope you and Sal can gain some peace knowing you gave Fid (and Megan) the most amazing lives and did everything you could in the end. Wishing you both the best. Love, susann


    • Thanks, SDH. Sometimes a person grieving feels guilty in some sort of way but we don’t. We know he was as happy as a dog can be and enjoyed his life a great deal. He loved being here. It’s just sad. He was great. Blink – gone. Very sad. We’ll be fine. But it will take a long time to ‘get over it’ and we will never forget him.


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