Author Profile

Seventy and still climbing.  Married.  A real sweetheart.  Nice guy – now and then (mostly then).  Likes tea, cookies, puppies, flowers and scotch.  And, of course, cheap B flicks in which all the cars blow up.  Not to be trusted in meetings or with any bureaucrats.  Used to be very attractive.  Now?  Not so much.  Memberships: one.  President of Anarchy International (no members, no meetings, no agendas and no purpose).

38 thoughts on “Author Profile

    • Image, Tony. Image. I thought the image was right for an off-the-gridder (even tho I have never hunted and doubt that I ever will). I guess I could shoot a bad guy, if I had to. Seen enough movies to make that sort of thing seem normal and OK. But Bambi’s mom? I don’t think so.


  1. Hello,

    My wife and I are planning to spend most of this summer out on Vancouver Island and area. I find your idea’s and life style very interesting. We hope to explore the many area’s and islands with the hope of maybe finding area that would suit and meet our needs of off the grid living. I’m a retired Firefighter and my wife was a Realtor . We would both would like to spend the next 10 or so years living a completely different way of life , more connected to nature and each other. We love the inner BC Coastal regions and have spent a couple of weeks in the past on boats exploring the region. You never know we could run into you and yours and have a visit.

    Sincerely ,
    Dwayne Mclean


      • Hi,

        I got a Linked in request not sure if I actually accepted it or not. I do enjoy your writings, and will read your book. I have a question about off grid living , I have been out in the comox area since June/14 in my motorhome and my boat. Do you know any one that has an off the grid setup that would be willing to lease for a period of time in which my wife and I could see if we could embrace the lifestyle ? We love nature and being outside.

        kindest regards ,
        Dwayne Donald Mclean


    • I’m familiar with the idea of trying an alternate way of living; I’ve been doing that for the last 10 years in the Gulf Islands. I feel I’ve accomplish the task and considering …what’s next? I’m having thoughts of selling my off the grid.


      • Buy a bread van. Paint it camo. then have fun building the interior out as a camper. You now have a stealth camper. Between the camper and living off the grid life should be good. I am wrong, I do not want to know…that is my plan…


  2. RE: CBC request for photos

    Hi there,

    I’m writing up a web story based on the interview you did with All Points West the other day.

    Do you have a photo (preferably in landscape/horizontal) that we could put up with the story?



  3. Hi David,

    My name is Francesca and I’m the producer of the Radio NL Jim Harrison Show in Kamloops. We are hoping to get you on one of our shows. If you could please get in touch with me when you have a moment it would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you.




  4. Heard your interview with Jill Bennett, CKNW, Saturday am. I thought ,great near my old stomping grounds, should be interesting, and it was. Good for you folks! Started a flying career in Kelsey Bay 1973. Retired from the airlines 2010.went back flying Gooses and Beaver 2012 out of Port Hardy. There is not a day goes by, whether it be from 35000 ft or 1000ft that I stare in amazement of the BC coast. The bays,inlets,mountains, lakes,beaches,islands,straits, cities ,villages and towns. Your off the grid but in the midst of magnificence. The envy of most. I will buy the book. Take care Randy Smith …Ladysmith


  5. Hi David

    I am not ignoring your Linked-in offer. I don’t do social email and have tried to unsubscribe from Linked-in, so far with no success. Just so you know.

    Enjoy life! Chris


  6. JDC… I hope you and your wife are well. It’s been a couple of years since we last spoke. As soon as I read this site, I knew it was you. I had your old email at galaxy, but I guess you disconnected.

    I’m looking at property up your way and would like to collaborate.
    You have my email and I’ll look forward to your call back

    POW of Colombia –GG


  7. JDC,

    I just finished reading your book. Outstanding read! I took the book with me on a bear hunt in Idaho and read while sitting a bait. No luck on the bear probably due to my laughter at your description of laying out the footers (actually Sally did this work) and getting them level.

    Making the leap as you and Sally did would be something I would love to do. My wife on the other hand would not be up for it. Thank goodness for Skype. We can go into our retirement years in two different locales and still be connected.

    Thanks for a glimpse into your off-the-grid journey!



  8. Hi David,

    Just finished your book last night. Great job! I’m a big fan of what my wife has come to refer to as “Granola” books. Stories of people who get fed-up with being just another rat in the rat race and decide to do something about it. Some downsize their lives so it will fit nicely into the cabin of a sailboat. Some opt for the isolation of mountains and thin air. And, yes, some choose a remote Canadian island. I envy you. Truly. I give you credit for having the balls to do it — and to keep doing it. Thank you for painting a vivid portrait of, what sounds to me like a simple, complicated, fun, back-breaking, relaxed, stressful, beautiful life.


    • Yeah. Thanks, Matt. I think you nailed it……….all the yins, all the yangs and a lot of surprises to boot.
      Not in the least ironically, the last time we felt this alive and challenged was when we lived on our sailboat! Geez, Matt. I think you GET us.


  9. I just finished your book. With daughters on Quadra making a go of it (farm) and shuffling between Korea and Campbell River (my home), it was an excellent read on the plane trips back-n-forth. This is the last year of Korea adventures and your book was the perfect, “what’s next” read. Best wishes for continued health to both of you.


  10. Dave, enjoyed your book so much. Probably because we’re neighbours and I can relate so much! Living where we do is really a choice lifestyle. Not just accoutrements of living in a more densely populated area, but choosing to live at a different pace, a different head space. Just watched the video, “Leaving”, and enjoyed it, especially being in a hotel room in Victoria as I write this. (Delivering my son to college.)


  11. Hi David and Sally,

    My wife Debbie & I are enjoying your book while at Port Neville – (she steals it from me). We met you when at SN last month aboard the Coastal Messenger. We went by your place later that day but didn’t know where to look. I bought the book at Herriot Bay. We had our “living off the grid” neighbours Kennard & Barb up for supper the other night – they say hi.

    Your’re a good writer David – I like your tounge & cheek, self- abasing humour – a fun read.


  12. Hi Mr. Cox –

    My name is Stephanie Lewis and I’m a casting director with Hit + Run, a major production company in NYC. I’m currently casting a development project about people who have lived off the grid in the past. I wondered if you or anyone you know might be interested in sharing their stories.

    We are looking to follow people who have encountered extreme challenges while living off the grid, like animal attacks, rough weather, severe injury or illness, or lack of supplies and preparedness – and who are finally ready to try again. What made you want to live off the grid in the first place? Were you fed up with where our country is going or were you sick of the direction of society in general? Were you looking for a place to finally have real freedom? What makes you sure that your dream to live off the grid will work out this time?

    If you or someone you know is ready to finally leave the world behind for a different way of life, please let us know. For more information and to speak with a casting director, please email me with your story. Thank you!


    • Steph, thanks for writing but I am probably NOT the guy for you. Yes, we had some adventures but I am more inclined to describe our life as heaven-on-earth. We have it all. We eat well, we drink wine and we even watch NetFlix. The modern OTG’er is no longer fighting grizzlies for grubs. No longer forging a subsistence living ‘below zero’ armed to the teeth and reading by candlelight. We are in our latter years and have physical challenges but wolves and starvation are not a threat.
      Having said that, it is different. It is healthy. It is challenging and it is NOT for everyone.


  13. Hey Dave,

    Mitch from Sg Power here, let me know when your almost ready to put a new motor on that boat. Would love to help out!

    Talk soon!



  14. I dip into your blog on and off, and love it! Found it after buying your book at Heriot Bay last year, read it at our off grid spot on Cortes. Quick question after reading your latest posts: why did you decide not to have a dock? Is it not permitted where you are? Is it too exposed? Cost? Because the truth is, the hardest part about boat access is lugging stuff down one dock to a boat, then lugging on the other side again (and yes, avoid low tides). Bad enough with a dock, much worse without. We did that for a few years before the dock and a dock is definitely better. Or did I get it wrong somehow (quite possible)?


    • Our site is not dock friendly and my neighbour has one and is neighbour friendly. So, for ‘tying up’ we are free-loaders. But for loading and unloading, I installed a funicular….a cart-on-a-winch that rolls into the sea and then up again. In that way, I can float up, unload onto the cart and drive over to my neighbour’s dock while Sal activated the winch and hauls all the stuff up. It’s a cobbled-up-affair but what isn’t out here?


  15. Hi David, just for fun or other reasons not related you might be the the right candidate to assume the mantel of president of L.O.F.A. I thought I could handle the lack of load when it was formed about 10 years ago, I failed and my brother in-law assumed the presidency. He carried it to a bit of the extreme when he died 5 years ago. I feel I could retake the crown in about 5-10 more years but there should be a leader. If you are up to the challenge its yours. Same rules as your current Membership apply.
    Lazy Old Farts Association.
    Smile !! Life is perfect!!


  16. Hey David. I just looked at your latest posts after not for quite a while. The guy with the prawn trap sure looked like your dad. Stay well with Sally.


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