Chicken little syndrome (CLS)

“….inferring catastrophic conclusions possibly resulting in paralysis”. It has also been defined as “a sense of despair or passivity which blocks the audience from actions.” Wikipedia

I am normally a smidge inclined to extrapolate trends to imaginative conclusions and, given my dour nature, I sometimes extend that to imagining the Zombie Apocalypse or, even worse, the End of Days. It comes honestly….. my father used to often say, “We are doooooooooomed!” So, I might be a tad predisposed to CLS. It is only residual testosterone and diminishing macho that makes me put any kind of brave face on things and Pollyanna is just NOT part of my DNA. We may not be doomed but I do not yet see a lot of light at the end of the Covid tunnel.

Wim reports that probably only 5% of Belgium has been vaccinated. And I implied from Untidy’s comment that Oz is not leading the pack on vax-efficiency either. That is even more pathetic than us. Not good, and certainly not good enough. Especially NOT good since the virus is on it’s multi-generational variation. Seems BC’s active C-count is currently comprised of 50% variants.

It does not take too many generations of mutations to leap from variant status to a truly different virus.

And India is currently suffering from over 100,000 new cases A DAY!!!

Am I freaking out? No. Firstly, I am already vaccinated (protected, but for how long?). Secondly, what will be will be. Thirdly, I really do not mingle amongst the great unwashed much anymore. But, best of all, both Sal and I are relatively healthy. Our personal outlook is NOT bleak.

But, if one takes a bit less selfish, more global view, there is no doubt that Covid is still winning the battle, generally speaking. Canada is maybe – at best – mediocre on the list of underperforming nations. BC, Ontario, Alberta and Quebec are still setting NEW records for infection and we are part of the 1st world! How is India ever going to get it under control? After a year of this tragic situation, great numbers of folks still protest wearing masks, refuse the vaccinations and continue to believe the reports are, if not a hoax, greatly exaggerated. Covid has a friend in ignorance.

But that is NOT the point of this blog. The point is that our government/institutions/media are not making a passing grade and, in the long run, their inadequacies may end the long run of the world as we know it. It might not be the Apocalypse but it just might be Teotwawki (the end of the world as we know it). I’d give our 1st world ‘civilization’ collectively a D or C- for results-to-date. Maybe higher for getting the vaccine accelerated. Say, C for effort? But they are not turning the tide. Not yet.

That is not to suggest that they are ‘bad’ but rather that they might simply not be up to the task. Clearly Trump wasn’t, Trudeau isn’t, Ford isn’t. But, to be fair – Belgium isn’t, India isn’t, Mexico isn’t and the list just goes on and on. If your 90 year old grandmother was not up to playing linebacker for the Seahawks, would you blame her? Of course not. But neither would you sign her to a multi-million dollar football contract and trust her to take you to the Superbowl. You might not put your faith in her chances to even make the team. You’d likely think, “Hmmmmm…..Gran probably won’t make the cut. We are gonna have to look elsewhere.”

And so might we …………

“How do we look elsewhere?”

Well, developing a vaccine in your own kitchen is not very likely (on a par with Gran making the cut). Educating the masses is also a non-starter. This may just come down to personal survival, small-group survival, village survival. You know….DOOMSDAY PREPPERS kinda thing? Who knew that ‘the weirded out Preppers’ might be half-right? (They have too many guns and likely not enough bleach and hand-cleaner but they are kinda prepared). You can put your trust in Tam and Bonnie or else you just might have to figure out a way to weather this storm (especially if it kicks up from a category 2 to a full-blown 5) on your own.

Hint: OTG’ing is definitely safer on the epidemic front but maybe not in a full-on Zombie-cum-Doomsday scenario…..

96 thoughts on “Chicken little syndrome (CLS)

  1. Some small (less developed) island nations have done really well preventing covid incursions. Of course, they have to remain shut to the outside world until the virus burns itself out. That is difficult when first world freeloaders/selfish gits anchor their big luxury yachts in those safe harbours.
    I have a very intelligent friend who dismissively told me at the start of the pandemic that the virus was no more than a flu, then after the dying started in numbers, said that it would soon attenuate as this is what all viruses did, eg the Spanish flu. One does have to wonder whether the severity of the Spanish flu started off less lethal and then increased in severity through viral mutations before herd immunity was achieved? You would think there would a requirement for the manufacture of the most effective vaccines such as Pfizer and Moderna to be licensed to as many countries as possible capable of producing that type of vaccine. Isn’t the prepper just an extension of the every man for himself concept? If you scale up that mentality to the national level, it is not a pretty picture. Just sayin’.
    PS. I slept for 48 hours after receiving the AZ vaccine. I’m feeling much better today. Obviously. As opinionated as ever.


    • No question about it, ‘Prepping’ is every man/family/group/militia for themselves. But, the rationale goes: ‘When TEOTWAWKI happens, there really is no society anymore. There is great fraternity/sorority. Govt. has failed. So….look out for yourself and your loved ones.” A smidge brutal, of course….but likely true. I am not ‘officially’ a prepper and I would likely share even with strangers. I was raised on Disney, after all. But, if the S did HTF then I would also likely develop a more ‘circumspect’ stance and maybe even get a bit defensive at times. Paranoid? No. I am too naïve to get so far out there but then….well….the zombies will get my brain, won’t they?


  2. Now why would.tou think yOUR chances are lessened being OTG for a ‘full in Zombie come DOOMsday situ? I like our chances!😉🙂😎 over most folk…


    • Well, OUR OTG chances would be good and most urban people would have greater problems, at least in the beginning but, over time, the Zombies run out of low-hanging brains in the city and then they go rural. Once they go rural, they will want to stay out here and, well, once the Zombies are out this far, our chances diminish. Jus’ sayin’.


  3. The govt has had a year to prepare for the vaccine distribution and they are still screwing up.
    A pandemic and Public “Works” Canada pummeled the population…while the PM wheezed, gulped and stuttered his way through another press scrum.
    We will see how much money the Printing Presses in Ottawa are churning out in less than 2 weeks.
    April 19 is Budget day!
    Woo Hoo!
    2 years overdue and the National Debt has doubled.
    Impressive even without a World War.
    Not to worry, April 20th or Four Twenty is international pot smoking day .
    Trudeau made it legal ….smoke your brains out.

    I’m wondering if the mutations of covid will take hold before the vaccines ever do.
    Stay tuned.


    • Morning News item: “One in three COVID-19 patients in U.S. developed neurological or psychiatric conditions, study finds: A study of more than 236,000 people in the United States who contracted COVID-19 last year has found that one in three developed a neurological or psychiatric condition and one in 50 of those who became seriously ill received their first diagnosis of dementia within six months.”
      Scary, right? Very scary! Dementia and Zombie-ism are cousins.


  4. I don’t believe there ever was a vaccine made for the Spanish flu it just petered out over the two to three year period. Dave you will need a lot of good soil to plant food on your rock, learn to row harder when there is no gas and stock up on ammunition. Our age group (retired old farts) are managing probably the best. I have decided to live another 20 years so I can see my grandson become an adult. Who knows what the world will look like?


  5. Paranoid delusion. Doug Ford, a Conservative keeps crying for more vaccines but Doug Ford has failed to have a plan to get them in arms. He has over one million vaccines in freezers but his best day of jabs is 120 thousand per day. Seven Conservative premieres that are in disarray over how to save money and get people vaccinated. So Kenny lays off 11.000 health care workers and wonder why Alberta Covid-19 rates have risen to over 1000 infections per day. The incompetence of Conservatives is paralyzingly. The credo of Conservatives is to bitch, moan, cry, blame others, go on the attack and deflect. The Conservative premiers refuse to take or follow medical advise. This is no time to stick to Conservative ideology which is killing Canadians. The Conservatives need to look in the mirror, have a gut check and stop the cancel culture that has reduced a once great party to a sobbing, mucus smeared pool of vomit.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Well a bit of balance from you would be nice. Eric O’Toole leads a party that does not believe in Global Warming. True this is not an opinion. Kenny cuts health care during a pandemic. True. Doug Ford has vaccines but claims he does not. True. If your opinion is that the Liberals are as bad as the Conservatives then prove it. Let’s have truth not unproven opinions.


  7. @ Anonymous
    “This is no time to stick to Conservative ideology which is killing Canadians. ”

    Blame the Conservatives.
    Last time I checked our “fearless Leader who lives in a cottage” was …. Liberal.
    And the leader of our Province is an avowed socialist NDP.
    But your Ontario deflection is duly noted.
    Prime Minister “True Dough”. The Financial Budget crusher with his bobblehead doll “finance” minister Chrystia Freecash ( who doesnt have an ounce of financial training but wrote a book on the evils of the rich)
    I cant wait to see what they dream up in the Apr 19th budget.
    Two years late and Half a trillion deeper in debt.
    But I digress
    True Dough.
    Been in power 4 years and counting.
    So blaming the Conservatives for this is a tad of a stretch.
    True Dough
    He’s had a year to co ordinate vaccination procedures with the Provinces.
    So far gets a 56th place in the world.
    I can just imagine the amount of emails, dithering, second guessing, stress leave, whining that has occurred in all levels of govt bureaucrats that…. O….M….G….. must produce definitive results in a …gasp…. timely and orderly fashion.

    And guess what.
    After all the planning, meetings and emails…..
    Shoppers Drug Mart, London Drugs, etc etc etc. are issuing vaccines.
    A blind, spastic monkey could have figured that the private sector can handle it faster, cheaper and more efficiently that a bunch of emailing clowns on Work From Home duty..

    Get the navel gazing, lint picking, over staffed and under worked, stressed to the max, bureaucrats OUT OF THE WAY
    Help from the private sector is here.


    • I think we can all agree that none of the so-called leaders of any parties have actually lead in any meaningful way (exception: Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand). I think the Cons are generally stupider in all areas but Trudeau is the stupidest of all in every category so, for now, shotgun criticizing is legit everywhere. I have always said that our political system makes leaders out of the most loyal, dumb, sycophantic followers. Our leaders are incapable of thinking independently and well. They cannot even keep the navy float, the trains run on time or even keep the hospitals clean.


      • Your opinions here are too predictable since they offer no evidence whatsoever. Fortunately groundless opinions are just that “groundless” so if you want to stoke your anger go ahead…emote…rage…as you are inclined to do. So fill your boots.


      • Recipe for a dirty hospital only requires firing the cleaning staff and blaming the nurses working twelve hour shifts caring for patients during a Pandemic. Some provinces hired thousands of health care workers while others like Alberta fired thousands of health care worker to save money. Yes, Alberta’s hospitals are dirtier but you get what you pay for. Do we need a ‘’go fund me’’ appeal to bailout foolish Conservative austerity?


    • Touched a nerve eh! Provinces Hand out shots so got you. The private sector was no where on vaccine development in Canada. Globalization failed.


      • I am neither a fan nor a critic of globalization. I see it as a natural off-shoot of instant communication and the emergence of the world’s largest factory (China). Buying and selling has become way, way more international. I.e. globalization. But some hate globalization because they think it is a plot or scheme run by evil puppet masters. Those same anti-globalists believe in Q-Anon and conspiracy theorists. They like Trump. I don’t believe that nonsense and so I guess I am predictable.


    • Yup you are correct the Conservatives are “blind, spastic simians” or so their their feckless austerity measures seem to expose.


  8. ‘’so predicable…” what will Dave be writing about next? It will be what makes Dave angry and resentful? If past blogs are any predictor!


    • OK…that’s fair…pretty close to true. I will most definitely write about what bugs me. But (aha!) that is not what was on the agenda for the next blog. I sometimes write about ravens and squirrels. Sometimes OTG lifestyle things. Occasionally about boobs, booze and guns. The next blog might be about a building project….c’mon, man…I am a mystery…you know I am.


  9. When we needed personal protection items globalization failed to be ready. True! All this distraction about conspiracies is just the usual deflection and misrepresentation as to what is factual!


    • Fact #1 today: you got up on the wrong side of the bed, your dog piddled in your slippers and the milk in your fridge is sour. Fact #2: a globalist made it happen.
      Is the opposite of a globalist a flat-earther? Or are you one of those who contracted Covid and is now having lingering mental problems?
      Your reference to our failure to have PPEs is actually an argument against nationalism, not globalism. Canada cancelled home grown healthcare facilities. THAT was a typical Canadian home-grown mistake. Now you are blaming the rest of the world for us NOT providing for ourselves?


  10. Wait for it…Conservative did all the cancelling not Canada but a neat slight of hand. The only one packing big anger is you. Care for the elderly is a provincial responsibility. More name calling but no facts just your sacrosanct precious opinions. True to form not one fact. Not blaming the world for failures in Conservative economic policies remember the Conservatives say “ let the market decide!” How did that work out? The Conservatives piously claim ‘if in power they would do better’ but they are in power in seven provinces and it is a gong show. So out comes the fire hose of groundless opinions smearing the writer but the message remains clear Conservatives run on hot air.


    • Well, clearly my opinions irritate you. To be fair, yours are now starting to irritate me. I usually value any reader (I have so few) but I am not feeling any love right now. Given that this is my house (however unpleasant for you) maybe you should go read elsewhere? Maybe Stats Canada would prove more appealing. You know, for the facts? Or, perhaps, we should just move on and agree to disagree about whatever it is we are disagreeing about (I am not a Conservative, nor a globalist but I am a critic…). See ya. Havanizeday


  11. Excellent Tyee article Dave.
    Our incompetant and milksop “leaders” are ALL to blame.
    Liberal PM, NDP Preem , Conservative Preems,
    ALL of them .


    • So you return to a blog that Dave wrote about a “pox on all their houses” then Noncon you continue slagging only one party. Tell the truth! Premier Ford did a Mea culpa today and declared a one month provincial emergency lockdown over his handling of the pandemic. Ford has continually been on the attack to mask his incompetence.


      • The blog was NOT about slagging all the Covidiots (altho that was mentioned). It was about maybe relying less on the inadequate ‘authorities’ and more on one’s own self. My point (obviously missed) is that not only are our systems and leader-people NOT UP TO THE TASK, it might be time to consider being more independently pro-active. We mask and wash hands and social distance….but is that enough? And, further to that point, is the indication that we are all (those that I see) relaxing somewhat on those basic, simple disciplines (or never did ’em in the first place). If our government can’t do the job and half the population is getting weary of good-practices, then maybe the individual has to fill in the gap? When the structure fails, then ‘it is every one for themselves’. I hope they catch up and beat the pandemic but, if they do not, then isn’t this thing THEN out of control? And, if it is out of control, what are ya gonna do, bad boys, bad boys? Whatcha gonna do?


    • 34 comments in a few hours.
      I guess the price of admission is………agreeing with you?
      Please tell me which Canadian govts ( other than the Atlantic Provinces) that have done a bang up job of covid isolation and inoculation?
      Quebec? Ontario? Alberta? BC?
      None of the above?

      An interesting side note is the thousands of unexplained deaths across Canada in 2020 above and beyond Covid, Fentynal and “Natural Causes”.
      Everything else factored in…..there were several thousand extra deaths… Suicides? Other Covid patients?
      Who knows but the mortality rate definitely spiked higher than the govt officials were letting on.

      Gonna be some hard questions after all this is said and done about…. what could…. and should…. but wasnt….. done……


      • Blog after blog you asks for comments…when you get them you complain. It’s never enough….it’s never good enough. You want to be engaged but if you are engaged you open the floodgates of insults. You expect civility, demand civility…so walk the walk. Is there anyone that can take you aside and…?


      • Wrong again…I do not ask for comments ‘blog after blog’ but I do kinda suggest it a lot. And I am not complaining about the number of them. This is good. Finally, agreement is not required. Good content and good manners – that’s it.


    • No, the price of admission is good content and good manners. Even one of the two will get you a guest pass for awhile. So far, in this post/comment section, I have seen neither from you. Suggestion: get a nice tipple of Bowmore tonight and come back later. Or (and this has worked for me in the past) go to the gym, tape your hands properly and beat the snot out of the heavy bag for an hour.


      • NonCon gets a bit of extra license…he bravely signs his name, he has been kind and generous and supportive but, most of all, his opinions are intelligent and well researched. NonCon is smart and informed. Now, to be fair, I am a smidge to the left of NonCon. But agreement is NOT required for relationship. Good manners and great thinking are all that is required. NonCon has all that and a great deal more. I am pretty sure he even bought one of my books…….


  12. If the pandemic is out of control and many continue to act as if the pandemic were no threat then it follows that Darwin’s prediction of the “survival of the fittest might kick in.” Probably risk adverse people who follow the pandemic protocols have enhanced survival percentages. Dterte the President of the Philippines has been shooting some folks summarily at the roadside are you suggesting this?


    • Only if they sell Fentynal.

      Seems the record breaking drug overdoses have the paramedics so stressed out they are quitting, off on sick leave, or suicidal.

      So if it comes down to Drug dealers vs paramedics…
      I know which one I’d shoot.


    • Survival of the fittest (derived from Darwin’s theory but first spoken by Spenser in a letter to Wallace) does not suggest that the fittest kill everyone else off. It suggests that the species best adapted to the environment has a better chance of survival. In our history cockroaches, rats, mice and the ‘pests’ seem most adaptable naturally but we are probably more adaptive by way of artificial enhancements. The unrelated leap to ‘dog eat dog’ or ‘man shoots man’ is a silly extrapolation of simple survival theory.


      • Spencer was an economist but Darwin was a biologist who wrote “Origin of the Species” 1854. Spencer’s comments were made in 1868. Cart or horse?


      • Well, as I understand it, Darwin wrote the Theory of Evolution at virtually the same time as his friend, Wallace. It has been postulated that Wallace proposed the theory first and Darwin, being higher placed in society, wrote it up and presented it. That would be circa 1854. But, of course, the theory was discussed a lot. And, within a few years, Wallace and Spencer were discussing it when Spencer coined the phrase ‘Survival of the Fittest’. Upon hearing the phrase, Darwin agreed with it and incorporated it into his continuing presentations and his next publish. It first came out in Darwin’s fifth edition.


  13. Dterte shoots drug dealers. Roadside vigilantes. So when the antivaxers and the antimaskers show up are you going to go all Dterte on them?


    • Some kind of burr is under your shorts, man. We are NOT going all Duterte on anyone ’cause of C-19. Shoot zombies? Maybe. I am 73 and have been surrounded by idiots all my life. Why would I shoot ’em now? I do not shoot sheep. I do not kill cockroaches or even mind-your-own-business vermin. Killing is just NOT on the agenda unless severely provoked…you know…like the buzzing of a mosquito when you are trying to sleep?


      • Well you were predicting the “Zombie Apocalypse” so now you go all welcome arms. So what will you be doing? So cut the insect metaphor and say what you are going do!


      • What am I gonna do? About what? I answered what I was gonna do as a Plan B re the pandemic AND that does not rely on government. You wanna know what I am gonna do about anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers? Nothing, if they keep their distance and don’t kiss me on the lips. No one but you brought up shooting addicts.


  14. wow what a discussion not sure to call it a conversation. Have you guys seen FISHERMAN’S FRIEND a little uplifting. Netflix.


  15. Wow! You are relentless. And as hard on me as I am on the ‘institutions’ that I believe are inept. Mind you, one’s health and well being does NOT rely on me so I should be somewhat off the bullseye logically speaking. They are on the hot seat – I am not
    But, to step up to the plate and answer your question: Firstly, I had hoped that my message of being a bit more independent would prompt some ideas on how to improve on that score. But I am taking some steps which I will share – after this brief reminder of the title of this blog – OFF THE GRID!!!
    That’s right, I already took the first step and I did it 17 years ago. Could I have predicted this actual Covid scenario? No. Not a chance. But I did feel ill at ease with what passed for a normal life. Something was ‘off’. I thought we were too dependent on systems even then (read the first chapter of my book in which the cost of owning my house WHEN I WAS NOT EVEN LIVING IN IT hit me. I was tied by umbilicals to a system I did not like and living a life that was not fulfilling. I thought it too rule bound even then. Stultifying. I distrusted government to be smart even then. But did I think a virus was gonna get me? No, actually. I thought that it would most likely be inequality in so many things, climate change, greed and heavier police-state oppression that may somehow ‘get us’ in some global way.
    As for today? Well, we do not shop anymore…almost everything is delivered. Partly Covid, partly age, partly because going shopping costs more than having it delivered. We have very few guests (almost none) after enjoying dozens every year – partly us, partly others not traveling. We are not making plans that put us in trapped positions (no planes, trains or ferries except stay-in-your-car ferries). We are building systems to replace old, being-close-to-others habits. And we try to do everything we can to remain as independent as we are and then add to that. Zat help?
    And you?


  16. Hah!
    I’M the big Lizard in my company.

    I here Bonny Henry is Locking the Province down today.
    Announcement in a few minutes!


  17. I was “shocked” to hear that US will have 70% of the people vaccinated by april 19th (they moved the date up with 2 weeks). And we are already vaccinating for 2.5 months and have vaccinated 500.000 people…..I think US outbid us on the vaccin market….we simply can not get our hands on enough vaccines. latest news is that 70% of the people in Belgium will be vaccinated by july/august….so again a summer lost! I am not sure how to prep for this in the future, but become a prepper myself seems a good option! I am buying a woodstove and survival gear!


    • I booked a shot for next friday at a private pharmacy.
      It took 30 seconds to book online.
      No muss, no fuss.
      A simple, straightforward online access.
      Unlike the overly complicated govt booking process where they re-invented the wheel.

      I think the Canadian numbers will start ramping up now that the private sector is getting access to vaccines.
      Get the govt bureaucratic sloths out of the way and let the private sector do what it does best.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Wim get a grip you will not need a wood stove or catastrophic survival gear. The trolls who love to spread fear, you must know the type, QAnon, the Proud Boys and those that attacked the Capital in D.C, who will not wear masks or take vaccines or social distance or value the institutions that provide the social services they use. Do not worry about those who view the vaccine rollout as a race among countries. The USA has a president who sees fighting the pandemic as a number one priority to slow the deaths in the USA which are over 550,000 currently. The pandemic is out of control in the USA! But the pandemic is not out of control in most of the world.


      • Those preppers who lean to the Oathkeeper/gun collector side of the OTG spectrum are nuts. Mind you, they are DANGEROUS nuts so there is that. But those that lean to Permaculture, small-community, and the sustainable side of the OTG world are definitely right! Maybe NOT so right that they survive the Zombie Apocalypse but right enough to love their lives, enjoy them and feel fulfilled in life even if their brains do eventually get on the Zombie menu. We ‘soft’ OTG’ers are not invincible but we are enjoying our little world and we are not spending our time filling the forest with lead.


  18. So signing with a pen name is good enough for you? Let me give you an example of Canadian socialism. Recently selected pharmacies were given vaccinations and paid a fee for service to administer them paid by the government . Government procured the vaccines, contracted to have some of them administered by pharmacies, supervised the administration of these vaccines and this is called “free enterprise”? Call it what it is a” Public/ Private Contract.” The pharmacies depend upon Socialized medicine for much of their revenue. A parasitic relationship sucking on the government teat is ‘’free enterprise’’? In reality Canada is a mixed integrated economy of Private/Public enterprise. So when one looks at pharmacies in Canada one will see Private/Public enterprise on full display. When Canada brings in national pharma-care the price of drugs will fall.


    • I realize the govt eventually, belatedly purchased the vax.
      Slowly( still waiting all over Canada ) distributed the vax.
      Bumbled the booking appointments of the vax.
      Realized the heat they were catching from everywhere and foisted the actual jabs over to the private sector.
      Govt involvement cost extra lives and extra billions due to lazy, job secure govt sloths incompetency, delays, emails, meetings , etc etc etc.
      Why did Pharmacies need to be “selected”?
      Get the damn vax out to every pharmacy. Every LTC facility, every school, every firehall, police station, supermarket.
      Just wait for the line ups in the next few weeks as the general population is allowed to get vaxxed.
      What ever the govt does, private industry can do faster and cheaper.

      Hopefully our dilettante Prime Minister will wear this fiasco at election time.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, Conservative Ford now had declared a state of emergency in Ontario. Two day Ontario had over 3000 new cases. Conservative COVID-19 policies see a rising death rate.


    • Well, actually Derek signed his full name for awhile and then went to the more colourful NonCon designation but I know his full name. We’ve met. I know who he is. He didn’t hide in any way. Now, I have no problem with ‘anonymous’ but, let’s be fair: there are several ‘anonymoose’ out there. I have no idea which anony is who or what an anonymous is. That is the only difference. I guess I just respect a nasty argumentative writer a bit more if he or she is stand-up and up-front about it. My guy, Kev, is often contentious but I know Kev. I know where he lives. We’ve met. He’s a stand-up guy. That may be a bit subtle for you……but do you get that?


      • The story evolves! Last time his name was Dale. The Kevin known here on your blog lives in California, and as far as I know does not give a ‘rat’s pjs for Canadian politics. He is perhaps affiliated with QAnon but I do not know his bio. As far as publishing under the name of Anonymous as far a I know, you know them all.


      • Wrong. Again. Dale is a separate reader. Dale is from my long past. Derek is from this OTG era. Kev does NOT live in California. But he does live in the US. I do NOT know all the ‘anons’. There are maybe four? There is one (you) who uses anon and various other pseudonyms so as to dodge and weave. That’s fine. I don’t care. I am just sayin’ that Derek, Kev and Dale have the cajones to stand up and be counted. If you’d prefer NOT to, that’s acceptable but please keep it polite and smart. If you are gonna be mean and stupid, I’d like to know who you are.


  19. Govt sloths dont care who’s in charge
    Lib or Con.
    Matters not.
    They are Legion. Unstoppable, untouchable, unaccountable.
    Kinda like the virus…..
    It just didnt help that we had Little Lord Fauntleroy in charge……


    • How very fitting to characterize the PM as being similar to Little lord Fauntleroy a character in an American serialized novel of the 1880’s. The little grandson of the British Lord, taught his English grandfather how to be compassionate to those less fortunate than he. This is the era of ‘’…are there no workhouses, are there no debtors’ prison’s?” Compassion. Feeling the pain of others. There is a bill before the Canadian Senate, that seeks to give sensitivity training to Canadian Judges. Research shows that many Canadians lack the vocabulary to express compassion, so some became very angry when empathy might be a better response. So good choice of metaphor!


  20. So I’m sure that you are aware that the Pfizer vaccine requires very special sub zero freezes to keep this vaccine stable. I know you meant to say that most potential vaccine sites do not have the freezers capable of storing this medicine. Plus we do not need our fire halls, police stations schools cluttered up by staff giving vaccines and subverting the real purposes of these places. By the way fire halls, police stations, and schools are all government institutions. As for supermarkets, some are doing vaccines through their pharmacies if they have one. A minor point Dave’s island community was serviced by government workers giving vaccines. So since you appear or seem to have very little faith in government services…what are your plans to be free from government? You are a fully absorbed into the system as a highly successful businessperson. I assume you have been certified in your trade by an institution of government, you are paid by currency issued by the Bank of Canada, you pay taxes to support the services you get from government…you are part of the system. Private enterprise was not offering in Canada the services that you think that could be done better by private enterprise. In the USA thousands died as private enterprise failed to step up and fulfill the role that Trump was not offering. People died and private enterprise was no where to be seen!


    • Actually they have determined that the Pfizer vaccine doesnt require extra sub zero temps.
      And now you’re segueing into the Canadian financial system?
      My my.
      Methinks Thou retired public servant doth protest too loudly.
      Not to worry RN.
      With the unbelievable amount of Debt Trudeau has dumped like a steaming turd on this nations head.
      I suspect that the levels of bureaucracy in Canada are unsustainable.
      The private sector has been self analyzing and cutting fat for several decades….all while govt bloat has grown to epic, unsustainable levels for all levels of govt that are broke….
      Trudeau has shot the bureaucracy in the foot and the rot has set in…
      What he do?
      Raise taxes? User fees ? To pay for govt sector pensions that are under funded as millions of non union private sector workers stare their unpensioned retirement in the face?
      Gee that’ll be popular.
      All as the govt workers demand more more more at the next bargaining session?
      Stay tuned RN
      Trudeaus $450 BILLION dollar fandango in 2020 isnt the end….Its the beginning.


    • No one is arguing the concept of society and organizations and institutions. We all know that team work works. What we are pointing out is that all things get old, all things get hoary. When they get old and fat and weak-minded, they perform poorly. Trust me on that. I know from personal experience. And our institutions from overall government to something as simple-in-concept as a hospital or even a doctor’s office has not had a new thought or initiative in fifty years – except how to cut costs, perhaps. Institutions are all about status quo. But life is CHANGE. There is a natural conflict arising from that. It is the yin/yang concept written all over again.
      The only chance we have is to CHANGE our institutions and freshen them up now and then. We never have except by budget cuts. Criticizing something I pay for, rely on and am forced to trust means (in a free country) I can speak freely about it all. I actually do more than just speak and write. I volunteer and assist. I think I am entitled to opine about it all on my own blog…really…don’t you?


      • It goes without saying that you may express you opinions and are free to write, many of my posts begin that I agree with you. I do not think that the Magna Carta is old, fat or hoary and I know that you did not directly say that. But democracy begins when a king agrees that he does not rule by “Devine Right.” Consent to democratic rule is through the ballot box which is fundamental. Over time our democracy has changed so that women of age may vote, men old enough but without property may vote, as can men of age with property may vote, First Nations Persons of age may vote and so the glacial changes continue. The definition of marriage changed, a form of universal medicine was enacted, pensions were enacted, sick leave, personal use of marijuana, and many other social programmes. No budget cuts were needed to enact these changes in our democracy. Our democracy has been enhanced by the “Charter of Rights” the repatriation of the Canadian Constitution from the British parliament to the Canadian Parliament. Canada won its nationhood on many battlefield in WW 1, WW2, the Korean War, the Cold War and so many more.
        Let’s say I want to change the culture of a Canadian institution? What obstacles would need to be overcome. The culture of these organizations are very resistant. Employees have rights and protections enshrined in law. Such a change leader would need to be very charismatic and given extraordinary powers. Such a leader might find that the job the security of employees might make a “new broom” unable to lead changes. I understand the aspiration to make changes. Under Harper the Conservatives made big cuts in government institutions but left much to be rebuilt when they were voted out of office.


      • You are arguing the concept of society, organizations and institutions when you suggest that they are fat, old and hoary. We Canadians want stability. Or some do but other want to gut stuff it seems.


    • Now, you see? We can agree…..I wrote:
      “There is a natural conflict arising from that. It is the yin/yang concept written all over again.”
      I understand fully that institutions get hoary for good reasons such as job security, worker’s benefits, shopping habits, societal mores and the like. But I am also saying that if that precluded CHANGE we’d still be making buggy whips. Change requires change – plain and simple. Our institutions resist change to keep the status quo. That built-in resistance helps avoid fads and fashion changes. But, in a world changing faster than every before, we are on a pace-of-change that is not even close to keeping up.
      Covid is a good example of that yin/yang dissonance. But there are many, many more.


      • Changed has not been precluded in institutions thus not making buggy whips. So since you say I am wrong but I am not wrong. What is role of leader in institutions? A leader must build consent. Without consent the leader faces difficulties as a change agent. The fact that institutions are durable is their virtue and strength. As for manhood challenges…really! Organizational leaders are often impotent given the constraints placed on them. Balls in a vice do you want that?


  21. I respect your opinions but some of them are unfounded. I see little point discussing the arguments you attempt to make but in your anger fail to make them. Anger is a challenging debate partner.


  22. “What is role of leader in institutions?”

    I was eating dinner and watching the News.

    May I humbly suggest that a Leader should not be allowed to spend HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of dollars of tax payers legacy money without a debate,…… a vote…… or an audit..
    Anything less is a dictatorship of squandered money.

    A Leader should not use taxpayer money to further his/her/their agenda at the cost of punitive tax increases for generations of voters that were “hoodwinked ” for one years’ worth of trinkets and baubles in the name of CERB

    Back to you Anonymous RN.


    • That’s why money bills are voted upon in parliament. Democracy: your party approved all this spending. Yes they did! Is it your aspiration to have a dictatorship? Canada is not currently a dictatorship! Like I’ve suggested before your anger might be trumping you attempts at logic.


      • “That’s why money bills are voted upon in parliament. Democracy: your party approved all this spending. Yes they did!”


        No they didnt.
        Parliament didnt vote for $450 BILLION dollars in CERB handouts.
        Parilament wasnt sitting.
        That was all our brilliant dilettantes and his polyglot Finance Minister’s( the 1st finance minister with no experience in finance?) doing.
        Covid times call for emergency measures.
        Trudeau announced all the cash give aways on the lawn of the Cottage in press scrums….much to everyone’s( with an ounce of fiscal understanding) surprise and horror.

        The Prime Minister manically stuttered and wheezed his way through billions in cash handouts.
        And I may have voted for “Little Potato” in his first kick at the can to get rid of that arrogant prick Harper…..but I certainly didnt vote for the ignoramous this time.

        My my Dave
        87 comments and counting.
        You’ve unleashed the voluminously vocal Hell Hound who may have misplaced his meds…..
        Anonymous’s foam flecked ravings must have the keyboard at his house covered in spittle.
        Time for my 1st coffee

        Liked by 1 person

      • Ya just never know what’s gonna ‘catch fire’. This topic was intended more as a ‘state of my mind’ blog. I was feeling a bit chicken-ish as I learned more about Covid spread and our inadequate response. Then, in a moment of blog-hope, I suggested that we – as individuals – rely less on government and more on ourselves with a practical and personal Plan B.
        I love comments, I love give and take and, as you have noticed from my exchanges with one anonymous and RN, I do not even mind a bit of heated ad hominem insults. Having said all that, one of them or both of them are putting a veneer of Bubba on this discussion and, while Bubba is allowed to be here, he gets a bit monotonous at times.


  23. This blog is going so fast, that with the time difference I am going to reply on RN’s answer from yesterday. I agree that I won’t need catastrophical survival gear, but I WILL buy the woodstove ! Maybe the situation is not catastropical in your opinion, but in my opinion, it is. I agree with Noncon, the budget deficits are skyhigh, and that alone is going to create a catastrophy. Businesses are artificially being kept alive with government monye, but we all know that there will be a huge wave of bankrupcies when the pandemic is “over” and government will stop the handouts. And guess who is going to pay for all that! Shouldn’t we prepare for that? The risk of blackouts is big in Belgium, because government has failed for decades to build a sustainable energy supply, so the effect is that now they say we should prepare for blackouts every winter. so you say I should NOT prepare for what is coming to us the coming months/years? I should not panick and just sit back and relax and count on the institutions to guide us through the coming decades? I’d rather have my own plan B if you don’t mind!


  24. The EU bailed out Greece and Italy as they were near bankruptcy, did they not? The EU will easily deal with deficits. The big issue worldwide will be how to fight inflationary forces as the economy worldwide is revitalized. Countries with Conservative governments will likely remain moribund as they try to impose austerity and raise taxes. Countries that keep lending costs down and do not allow the money supply to dry up will experience rapid growth. One area of growth in Canada is the real estate market as many in their thirties are buying homes. Many home are selling for over one million dollars. Now at my age a million dollar home seems out of reach but families that are two incomes and no kids are well placed(DINKS) to buy homes. A great deal of overseas money is flooding into British Columbia from the People’s Republic of china’s 900 million middle class who are investing in BC. They have confidence in BC, young people have confidence in BC and many, many others have confidence in BC. Canada is contemplating a guaranteed annual income to end poverty.
    Wim by all means take whatever measures you deem necessary. My only advise is not to pay attention to ‘Chicken Little’ who said the sky is falling with resulting doom gloom and dire misery. ‘Chicken Little” in the children’s book loves misery and spreading fear. By the way in the children’s myth of “Chicken Little” the sky did not fall and dire events did not happen. ‘Chicken Little” only wished for a disaster because she had a bag of grain set aside which had stolen from the others in the hen house. Chicken Little is a fable and any resemblance to any other poultry is a coincidence. but perhaps some who read this blog secretly dress up in a chicken costume…it’s not about you.
    Did I tell you the one about the “Little Red Hen?’’ Who will help me bake the bread, said the the Little Red Hen? ‘’ Not I,’’ said all the animals.


  25. Dear having a cow. Your party voted for the CERB. Parliament voted on the CEBE. Too late to have a cow now! This weekend Mr O’ Toole told Sun Media he will bring in ten years of austerity as he cuts the Pandemic social programmes if elected. O’Toole has zero chance to form a government in the near future. So you may rage and call names and act without any civility. Rage, rage it does not change the facts as your party keeps taking the poison pill. Look at the Conservative web page as they publish Conspiracy Theories. Look into your heart do you think that Conspiracy Theories do much for the average Canadian except think OMG. For the love of God, try civility.


  26. Exactly! But perhaps if you write to Mr O’Toole and help him to understand that rage politics do not convert voters to a party that has no platform or policies. The Conservatives only want to be angry so it appears that anger might be attractive to some on the right. But for those who want a platform of compassion and empathy then anger is not very attractive. I wish you well. For sometime I have wanted to have a discussion with you but various outbursts seem to precluded that. Dave is in your corner and likes your grit but he likes civility too!


    • Umh….I am not so much in anyone’s corner….in the sense that I support their point of view, I mean. As I said before, I am slightly left of NonCon but I respect his opinion – it is well thought out, well researched, he is a good egg and he presents well…..that is respect, not a corner-man. I likely share your politics more. You seem to really dislike the Cons and so do I dislike this latest iteration of them. I see more ignorance, bias and fear-mongering in them lately.
      But basic conservatism is not all bad….if the Conservatives promoted that good side and dropped the bigotry, greed and anger, they might be more relevant.
      I agree that fiscal prudence is a virtue.
      I agree that political correctness has gone a bit too far.
      I basically respect core Christian principles (but not much about religion) and I agree that re-writing history is a fool’s errand. In that sense, I am a Con.
      I also think Trudeau is an ass, that he has a ‘back door’ that is, if not corrupt, cronyism at the very least. See: SNC Lav, WE charity and the stupid purchase of TMPipeline for what purpose? If the Libs are not corrupt, then they are just plain stupid.
      Please. Push comes to shove, I am a pinko-Greenie with fiscal conservatism and a growing distaste for political correctness.
      I am ‘in the corner’ of Gaia. The Gaia hypothesis posits that Earth and its biological systems behave as a huge single entity. This entity has closely controlled self-regulatory negative feedback loops that keep the conditions on the planet within boundaries that are favorable to life. If one puts their faith in that, then they are small ‘c’ conservative philosophically. What could be more conservative than trusting and respecting the planet you live on?


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